Reflexology can be extremely effective in promoting deep relaxation and well being. This can be key to optimising good health and building resilience to protect ourselves from the stresses of everyday life.


How it works

Different points on the feet, lower leg, hands, face or ears correspond with different areas and systems of the body. Working on each foot, these points are worked on with pressure with aim of bringing the body back into balance.

What to expect

Here at Balance, we have created a wonderfully, relaxing and comfortable space for you. We use Neals Yard organic products which are not only highly effective, they smell amazing too.

Your first appointment will be slightly longer as we will have a quick chat about your focus for the treatment. At each regular appointment there will be a quick review at the start which will enable us to modify treatment as necessary.

We start with lovely warm flannels on the feet followed by a foot massage in order to warm up the feet and then massage the feet. Each foot is then worked on in turn, the foot not being worked on in wrapping in a warm towel.

At the end of each treatment lifestyle advice may be offered.


Payment can be made by cash or card.

How to find us

We in located in Lindley, Huddersfield. Full details and directions will be provided with your appointment confirmation.


For more information Email Rachel at

or to book an appointment contact Rachel on 07887 843610 or click here to book online
