

Reflexology can be extremely effective in promoting deep relaxation and well being. This can be key to optimising good health and building resilience to protect ourselves from the stresses of everyday life.

Different points on the feet, lower leg, hands, face or ears correspond with different areas and systems of the body. Working on each foot, these points are worked on with pressure with aim of bringing the body back into balance.


Therapeutic Massage with Acupressure

This type of massage is a great way to boost our well being, ease areas of tension and promote the circulation of blood and lymph. It can also help to alleviate sleep disturbance, depression and anxiety.

In addition to traditional massage techniques, acupressure points are specifically selected to address areas of concern and boost the effectiveness of the treatment.

This treatment can be designed to focus on a particular problem area or as a well-being boost.

Therapeutic Massage with Cupping

Therapeutic Massage with Cupping

Cupping has been used to aid wellness throughout recorded history. We perform cupping in conjunction with therapeutic massage techniques to encourage circulation, ease areas of tension whilst rehydrating and manipulating fascia.

Cupping both complements and increases the effectiveness of massage treatments which is why we offer this wonderful combination treatment.  Negative pressure creates a lifting action that allows the separation of fused or adhered tissue.  We then use massage techniques to encourage circulation along with clearing any congestion and stagnation.

This treatment can be designed to focus on a particular problem area or as a well-being boost