
Restoring balance to the mind and body

Acupuncture works to restore balance which can be disrupted by emotional or physical stress, poor nutrition, infection, injury or illness.

It is distinctly different from other types of medicine (e.g. western medicine) allowing a completely different approach to health and wellbeing. TCM acupuncture is informed by the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine that have been developed and refined over thousands of years. Ultra-fine, sterile needles are placed into specific acupuncture points stimulating the body’s natural healing response.

One of the key strengths of traditional acupuncture is the focus on the individual, not the illness or condition. Signs and symptoms are considered in relation to one another making each treatment tailored to each individual’s needs at that specific time.

Not keen on needles? Please contact us to discuss how alternative treatment options such as acupressure, cupping & reflexology may help.

How Acupuncture Works

The practice of acupuncture is informed by the core principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and has been studied, refined and practised over thousands of years. Acupuncture involves the insertion of ultra-fine sterile needles into specific areas of the body, which are relatively painless.

These areas are known as ‘acupuncture points’, and when needles are placed into these points, it helps to stimulate the body’s natural healing response. Acupuncture differs from conventional medicine by considering both your physical and mental needs and wellbeing, treating the person as a whole, rather than treating the physical symptoms alone. This often helps to identify and treat the root of the issue effectively, which is why acupuncture is so effective in the long term.

However, if needles aren’t your thing we also have alternative treatments available such as reflexology, cupping and acupressure.